episode #006:

Why You're Struggling to Stay Consistent


We all go through it, we all know how important it is, but still we still struggle with it. Let's discover what's keeping you from being consistent. 

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Old R&B and late night thoughts…

February 20, 2024

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Just a small town Mama with BIG dreams of helping you level up your marketing and sales. Join me for the ride and flavor your content Louisiana Style! Yes, it's gonna be so good!

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Hi, I'm ERICA :)

The best place to start is the beginning right? Well, it’s 10:58pm on a Monday night. My kids are asleep and I’m hard at work (per usual) chipping away at the incredible load of work that I have in front of me, but for some reason this time feels different. Maybe it has something to do with you being here with me this round, or maybe it’s the cloud of peace I’ve been feeling lately.

You know that feeling where you don’t have any worries because you’ve finally given over what you’re feeling to God? Yep. That’s where I am right now. In a few short weeks, our team is getting ready to launch something that I truly feel is going to transform all of our lives. The wildest part about it all? The fact that we are going for it. Just straight up going for it.

There have been so many signs telling me, and showing me that this season is the best season of my life, thus far — and it’s time to move. Sidenote, If you’ve been sitting on an idea or a thought that you’ve been trying to get off the ground, it’s time to move. Yep, do it. And don’t get mad at me, I’m just the messenger.

I’ve been sitting on the idea of this blog for YEARS, but here I am finally making it happen, for real and in all honesty it hasn’t been easy. I’ve been in my head.. REAL BAD. But now I must definitely be out of my mind because we are re-launching the blog, a new podcast and so many other things at the same time. lol. The Holy Spirit was like, ok sis, I’m tired of you. I’m pushing you all the way out here. Haha. But hey, everything is all working together, so the process feels really good, but blog as a creative outlet excites me the most out of all of the projects we have working.

Are You New Here?

If we haven’t met, Hey… I’m Erica 🙂 I’m from a small town in Louisiana (on the cusp of something really big) and I love all things marketing, sales and Louisiana Luxury Lifestyle. It’s the perfect blend of love, life, country, realness and ratchet. I’ve been in the sales game since 2012 and I haven’t let up since then. A huge component that makes me stand out? I was in full-blown pursuit of a recording career before I switched routes. You know that image of life and how people think it’s a straight line, but it’s actually filled with twists and turns? Well that’s me. lol. I hope to share my story with you through this blog so just hang on. *Inserts Michael Jackson popcorn gif*

If you’re looking for a safe space to discuss all things marketing, sales and business building, then you are in the right place. Find a chair and have a seat with us because you should stay a while. I’m from Louisiana, so you’re gonna get a lot of southern hospitality, get used to it.

What’s On My Mind?

Right now, I’m playing a bunch of 90s-00s R&B and wondering how did we fall apart like this? Every generation believes their music was the best, but you know what I think. I believe the emotional connection and feelings that are infused on the tracks is really what makes it feel good.

Now don’t get me wrong, there are definitely some records that are going to stand the test of time, and last for generations, but for the most part the music is an emotional connection. I think we were all just younger and it felt a lot better to be able to connect. Yall remember 112? Whew… Or Street Love by Loyd? Man, don’t get me going. Well, I think I’ve ranted randomly for long enough. Good Night Geaux Getter. Oh, and if you read this, you’re a REAL ONE. Thank you 🙂

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